Projects & Misc.

These are both finished and ongoing projects.

The Forsaken Isle

A simple short illustrated story of the adventure of three boys who wish to visit a lone perilous island. Shrouded in mystery and danger.

Made in a rough artist booklet making workshop and an experiment in a written and illustrated medium.


A Dossier of the Humans of the Far Distant Future

A trilogy of artist books speculating upon some of the human species on our future evolutionary line.

Volume I: Old World

The first instalment details the world of the descendants of human genetic experimentation. The only surviving line of humanity on earth after the sixth great mass extinction. From flying humans evading predation from crows to apex predatory monstrosities. Evolution has gone through another explosion of biodiversity following an apocalyptic event.

Volume II: New World

The second volume explains the arrival of humanity on a sustainable planet outside of our solar system. The Red Colossus - Phanes.

Here we adapt to an alien ecosystem. We must assimilate… or die.

Volume III: Off World

Humanity’s web has now expanded to all reaches in the cosmos. In the third and final volume we take strange new forms. From adaptations to living within black holes, to destructive nomads obsessed with blood science.

This is humanity’s swan-song within the age coined “the war for eternity.”

Potential upcoming projects.

The rest of this page are only ideas for projects in the future. Research, development and conceptual planning is still needing to be done for the most part.

The BY & BY Compendium

[The Third Draft]

Coming Soon…

Phanes: Another History of Life

Coming Soon…

Forsaken Isle [Redux]

Coming Soon…

God & Devil of All Time…

Coming Soon…

[Men of Ice]

Coming Soon…

